EXCO Meeting for the year using ZOOM Technology
The Lanka Japan Friendship Society held their first ever EXCO Meeting using Zoom technology on Thursday 6th May 2021

The Lanka Japan Friendship Society held their first ever EXCO Meeting using Zoom technology on Thursday 6th May 2021 commencing at 3.30pm where 20 persons participated on line. Zoom technology was used, due to the Covid 19 pandemic.
The meeting was chaired by the President Mr. Merrick Gooneratne. Also joining the meeting by invitation were Mr. T. Kawakami, Counselor of the Embassy of Japan, and Mr. Akira Matsui, MD of Itochu Corporation, representing the business community.
The action plan for the year was discussed including proposed projects and also a possible fund raiser, and collection of outstanding dues.
A one to one meeting by an LJFS delegation with His Excellency the Ambassador of Japan Mr. Akira Sugiyama was also postponed, due to advice from the Health authorities against meetings.